What is Single In-line Package (SIP)?
There are various types of semiconductor and IC packages, such as Single In-line Package (SIP) and Zig-zag In-line Package (ZIP). Regarding the "Single In-line Package (SIP)", this article will explain the information below. Single In-line Package (SIP) Definition Types of Single In-line Package (SIP) Single In-line Package (SIP) Definition SIP stands for "Single In-line Package". Single In-line Package (SIP) is a package in which the leads come out of one side of the package, the leads are in a single row, and the package is for insert mounting. Single In-line Package (SIP) has the leads on the long side of ...
What is a Diode Bridge? (Symbol, Working)
Regarding the "Diode Bridge", this article will explain the information below. What is a Diode Bridge? Symbol and Working of Diode Bridge What is a Diode Bridge? A diode bridge is an element consisting of four or six diodes connected in a bridge configuration in a single package. A diode bridge is used to convert alternating current to direct current. The reason why it is called a diode bridge is that the shape of the diodes connected to each other looks like a "bridge". A diode bridge is marked with "+", "-", and "~ (or "AC")" on the package, so ...
What is a Zener Voltage? (Definition, Characteristics)
Regarding the "Zener Voltage", this article will explain the information below. What is a Zener Voltage? Variation, Characteristics, and Temperature characteristics of zener voltage What is a Zener Voltage? If the reverse voltage \(V_R\) applied to the zener diode is gradually increased, a breakdown phenomenon occurs and current begins to flow rapidly at a certain point. The reverse voltage \(V_R\) at which the reverse current \(I_R\) begins to flow rapidly is called the zener voltage (breakdown voltage) \(V_Z\). The reverse current \(I_R\) flowing at this time is called the zener current \(I_Z\). In a zener diode, the zener voltage \(V_Z\) ...
What is a Zener Diode? How Does it Work?
Regarding the "Zener Diode", this article will explain the information below. What is a Zener Diode? Characteristics, Symbols, and Applications of Zener Diodes What is a Zener Diode? A zener diode is a diode in which the reverse current \(I_R\) flows rapidly at a certain voltage when the reverse voltage \(V_R\) is gradually increased. The reverse voltage \(V_R\) is the voltage when positive is applied to the cathode and negative to the anode. Also, the current \(I_R\) is the current flowing from the cathode to the anode. The phenomenon in which the reverse current \(I_R\) flows rapidly at a certain ...
[Diode] Current Ratings (IO,IFSM,IFRM,ISM,IRRM)
Regarding the "Current Ratings of Diode", this article will explain the information below. Current Ratings of Diode Average Forward Current \(I_O\) Surge Forward Current \(I_{FSM}\) Repetitive Peak Forward Current \(I_{FRM}\) Rated Peak Pulse Current \(I_{SM}\) RMS Forward Current \(I_{F(RMS)}\) Peak Repetitive Reverse Surge Current \(I_{RRM}\) Current Ratings of Diode The absolute maximum ratings in the datasheet of a diode show the current ratings. The current ratings are listed in the following ways, although the information varies from datasheet to datasheet. Average Forward Current \(I_O\) Surge Forward Current \(I_{FSM}\) Repetitive Peak Forward Current \(I_{FRM}\) Rated Peak Pulse Current \(I_{SM}\) Peak Repetitive ...
[Zener Diode] Current Ratings (IF,IFRM,IZM,IZSM)
Regarding the "Current Ratings of Zener Diode", this article will explain the information below. Current Ratings of Zener Diode Continuous Forward Current \(I_F\) Repetitive Peak Forward Current \(I_{FRM}\) Maximum Zener Current \(I_{ZM}\) Non-repetitive Peak Reverse Current \(I_{ZSM}\) Current Ratings of Zener Diode The absolute maximum ratings in the datasheet of a zener diode show the current ratings. The current ratings are listed in the following ways, although the information varies from datasheet to datasheet. Continuous Forward Current \(I_F\) Repetitive Peak Forward Current \(I_{FRM}\) Maximum Zener Current \(I_{ZM}\) Non-repetitive Peak Reverse Current \(I_{ZSM}\) Each current rating is explained in turn below. ...
[MOSFET] What is Power Dissipation PD?
Regarding the "Power Dissipation \(P_D\) of MOSFET", this article will explain the information below. Power Dissipation \(P_D\) of MOSFET \(P_D\)-\(T_c\) Characteristics of MOSFET Power Dissipation of MOSFET The power dissipation \(P_D\) of a MOSFET is the power dissipated when the channel temperature \(T_{ch}\) reaches the absolute maximum rating. The symbol for power dissipation depends on the datasheet, but it is often expressed as \(P_D\), \(P_d\), \(P_T\), \(P_{tot}\), or \(P\). In the case of "packages to which a heat sink can be attached such as TO-220" or "packages that allow backside heat dissipation such as TO-252", the power dissipation \(P_D\) listed ...
[Zener Diode] What is Power Dissipation Pd?
Regarding the "Power Dissipation \(P_d\) of Zener Diode", this article will explain the information below. Power Dissipation \(P_d\) of Zener Diode \(P_d\)-\(T_a\) Characteristics of Zener Diode Power Dissipation of Zener Diode The power dissipation \(P_d\) of a zener diode is the power dissipated when the junction temperature \(T_j\) reaches the absolute maximum rating. The symbol for power dissipation depends on the datasheet, but it is often expressed as \(P_d\), \(P_T\), \(P_{tot}\), or \(P\). The power dissipation \(P_d\) listed on the datasheet is based on the ambient temperature \(T_a=25\mathrm{^{\circ}C}\). Therefore, the power consumption when the junction temperature \(T_j\) reaches the absolute ...
[Zener Diode] What is Resistance Rz (Impedance Zz)?
This article explains "Resistance (Impedance) of Zener Diode". In the zener diode, when the zener current \(I_Z\) changes, the zener voltage \(V_Z\) changes slightly. The slope of the Zener voltage \(V_Z\) and the Zener current \(dV_Z/dI_Z\) is called the resistance (or impedance) of zener diode. Now, I will explain "Resistance (Impedance) of Zener Diode" in detail using diagrams. Resistance (Impedance) of Zener Diode The above figure shows the "Zener current \(I_Z\)-Zener voltage \(V_Z\) characteristic" of the zener diode. Ideally, the zener voltage \(V_Z\) of the zener diode should remain constant even when the zener current \(I_Z\) changes. In reality, however, ...
Temperature Coefficient of Zener Diode
Regarding the temperature coefficient of zener diode: This article will explain the information below. Characteristics of Temperature Coefficient of Zener Diode Method of Temperature Compensation of Zener Diode Characteristics of Temperature Coefficient of Zener Diode The zener voltage of a zener diode varies with temperature. Depending on the magnitude of the zener voltage, a zener diode may have a positive or negative temperature coefficient. Those with a Zener voltage higher than around 5V have a positive temperature coefficient, so the zener voltage increases as the temperature rises. On the other hand, those whose zener voltage is lower than around 5V ...